
A semantic data integration toolbox for biodiversity sciences.

View the Project on GitHub nleguillarme/inteGraph

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This website is under active development ! If you do not find the information you are looking for, please contact us or come back later.

What is inteGraph?

Image providing a high-level overview of inteGraph.

inteGraph is a biodiversity data semantification and integration toolbox designed to help ecologists make the most of available data, regardless of the initial format and location of these data.

inteGraph implements a declarative approach to building Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) pipelines that transform your structured data into RDF, thus minimizing the amount of manual effort and Semantic Web expertise required to publish your data as or integrate heterogenenous data into FAIR biodiversity knowledge graphs.



This tutorial will help you get started with inteGraph by showing you how to create a trophic knowledge graph from two distributed data sources.

User manual

  1. Installation
  2. Running inteGraph
  3. Create a new project
  4. Pipeline execution and monitoring

Cite inteGraph

If you used inteGraph in your work, please cite our EJSB paper:

Le Guillarme, N., & Thuiller, W. (2023). A practical approach to constructing a knowledge graph for soil ecological research. European Journal of Soil Biology, 117, 103497.

Contact us

Please use the GitHub repository’s Issue tracker to report errors or specific concerns related to the use of inteGraph.

For all other enquiries, please contact Nicolas Le Guillarme: nicolas.leguillarme(at)univ-grenoble-alpes(dot)fr